Belgium Championship

Laurent Wery     14.07.2024    2

On behalf of the board of Belgium Chess Federation, I would like to congratulate and thank the Antwerp league and the Chess Looks Lier club for their magnificent organisation of the Belgian championship. Well done for your dynamism and your desire to promote chess through the various activities that you proposed.
Well done also to the team of volunteers who manned the bar, and to the refereeing team for their excellent work throughout the 9 rounds.

Finally, well done to you, the players, for your exemplary behaviour and fighting spirit throughout the week.

Congratulations to Daniel Dardha on your Belgian championship title! And well done to Stefan Beukema for 2nd place and 1st grandmaster norm !

Well done to Bjarne Vandijck for the Open title and to Anne Marie Muetsch for the Ladies title!

Here are a couple of impressions from the Chesslooks Facebook page:

Gust Van der Meiren
26.07.2024 - 19:41

knappe organisatie

Joseph Lentz
15.08.2024 - 12:49

Der Schachverband der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens, SVDB-VoG, ist besonders stolz auf Daniel Dardha, der als unser Repräsentant in der Expertenklasse mit 7,5 von 9 Punkten Erster geworden ist. Ihm gebührt dafür selbstverständlich Lob und Dank seitens des SVDB-Vorstandes. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum belgischen Meistertitel, Daniel!



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