Daniel Dardha wins 3rd Mémorial Decrop in Namur

Damien André     10.09.2024

228 players came to Namur on 8th September for the third edition of Mémorial Decrop, to battle during 9 rounds of rapid chess (10 minutes + 5 sec increment per move). The fight for 1st place mainly involved the two best belgian players. The first decisive game occurred at round 5 when Daniel Dardha (who had already lost half a point against Sim Maerevoet) won against Mikhaïl Gurevich who was the only remaining player with a perfect score. Mikhaïl came back equal first before the last round, when Daniel made a draw against Bilel Bellahcene. In the last round, Daniel won against Clément Godry, but Mikhail could not win against Sterre Dauw, and finally had to leave the clear first place to Daniel. He was able to console himself with the clear second place and the title of FEFB rapid champion.

Complete results can be found on SWAR results page.

Photos of the event are available on Namur Échecs’ Facebook page :


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