October rankings available


Steven Bellens     30.09.2024    3

Our quarterly ranking update (October) has just been published. You can find the new rankings here.


Where can I see calculation details?

Navigate to your own ranking chart, and click on ‘Fiche Individuelle’ / ‘Individuele Fiche’. Here you see an overview of all games taken into account for your new ranking calculation, as well as your K-factor and the resulting ELO difference.

Help, something is wrong in the calculation?

Check your detailed calculations first. Should there by any games missing, check if they appear in the ELO checklist. If not, you should direct yourself to the tournament organizer. He/she might not have submitted these games for processing (yet).

Otherwise, reach out through ratings@frbe-kbsb-ksb.be. Add sufficient detail to your request: player name, description of the error, date of game(s) played.

Jan De Geest
01.10.2024 - 09:25

Ik kan wel de nieuwe Elo’s raadplegen per speler maar niet per club?

Steven Bellens
01.10.2024 - 10:41

Kan je nog eens proberen Jan? Via ELO en dan Club aanklikken zou moeten werken nu.

Jan De Geest
01.10.2024 - 16:00

Ja nu werkt het



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