National Interclub Competition

Publication series format 2024 – 2025

This year we are facing a record number of entries in 5th division. The governing body has decided to create a 17th series for this season.

So there will be 17 series winners and therefore 17 promoting teams. It will therefore be necessary to drop 17 teams from 4th division. As in previous seasons, the 11th and 12th place teams in Division 4 will drop just like the worst 10th team. The same calculation of worst 10th team is done after the best2nd as expressed in Art. 32.g.

Note: If a team withdraws from one of the first 4 divisions in the 2025-2026 season, the worst 10th team that dropped will have priority to fill the vacant spot.

For the series format, the governing body prioritized requests about mating numbers (each club received the requested number), requests to play in separate division (desire on my part not to place 2 teams from the same club in the same series in division 2 or division 3) and if possible, to minimize mileage.

The governing body is considering the creation of a Division 6 during the season.

Entry fees are set as follows

DivisionEntry fee
First division€ 305
Second division€ 80
Third division€ 55
Fourth division€ 30
Fifth division€ 30

The competition calendar is as follows

  • 01/07: beginning of team registration period
  • 31/07 à 23h59: teams’ registration deadline
  • 15/08: publication of divisions and series
  • 05/09: beginning of compilation of player lists
  • 15/09: deadline for registering players to put on the player list
  • 16/09: end of compilation of player lists
  • 22/09: publication of the compilation of the player lists
29/09 : Round 1
06/10 : Round 2
03/11 : Round 3
17/11 : Round 4
01/12 : Round 5
15/12 : Reserve 1
26/01 : Round 6
02/02 : Round 7
16/02 : Round 8
09/03 : Reserve 2
16/03 : Round 9
30/03 : Round 10
06/04 : Reserve 3
27/04 : Round 11
04/05 : Test Match

Information to be provided about the room

  • GPS address ?
  • Is it wheelchair accessible?
  • Is it available for every round?
  • Is there a spare room for rounds if the first room is not available?
  • Maximum capacity expressed in number of chess boards

Information to be communicated about the players

  • If a player is visually impaired, please enter this in the field provided.
  • If a player is less mobile, please enter this in the field provided.

Information to be communicated about the teams

  • Number of teams desired by division (note: the number of teams in first, second, third or fourth division is based on the final ranking of the previous season).

Reminder of some points of the regulations

  • Article 38g: Hereby, in first section, there is the obligation to hand over the original notation sheet to the home club. The latter should enter the games and forward them electronically. Both the person to whom and the format and time frame in which these games should be sent are determined by the PA.
  • Article 38h: The home playing club must have the latest version of the FIDE rules in one of these languages : English, Dutch, French and German available in the club premises, as well as the latest version of the RBCF Competition Rules.

The new player list

To create your new player list (the elos listed below are the fide elos):

If you have a team in division 1: you can list up to 12 players with over 2350 as the title holder for the team from 1st division (these players can only play for this team). If you do not list a player with over 2350 as a title holder for this team, he will not be able to play for this team. All players with less than 2350 can be considered as substitutes for this team.

If you have a team in Division 2: you can list up to 12 players with over 2150 as titleholders for the 2nd division team (these players can only play for this team or for the first division team if they have less than 2350). If you do not list a player with over 2150 as a title holder for this team, he will not be able to play for this team. All players with less than 2150 can be considered substitutes for this team.

If you have a team in 3rd division: you can register up to 9 players with over 2050 as title holders for the team in 3rd division (these players can only play for this team or for the team in 1st division if they have less than 2350 or for the team in 2nd division if they have less than 2150). If you do not list a player with more than 2050 as a title holder for this team, he will not be able to play for this team. All players with less than 2050 can be considered substitutes for this team.

If you have a team in 4th division: you can claim up to 6 players with over 1900 as title holders for the team in 4th division (these players can only play for this team or for the team in 1st division if they have less than 2350 or for the team in 2nd division if they have less than 2150 or for the team in 3rd division if they have less than 2050). If you do not claim a player with more than 1900 as a title holder for this team, he will not be able to play for this team. All players with less than 1900 can be considered substitutes for this team.

If you have a team in 5th division: you can register up to 6 players with over 1750 as the captain of the 5th division team (these players can only play for this team or for the 1st division team if they have less than 2350 or for the 2nd division team if they have less than 2150 or for the 3rd division team if they have less than 2050 or for the 4th division team if they have less than 1900). If you do not list a player with more than 1750 as a title holder for this team, he will not be able to play for this team. All players with less than 1750 can be considered substitutes for this team.

When you build your player list, even if you remove or add points, the player who could not play in a division still cannot play and vice versa.

Example 1: A player has 2175, you decide to deduct 100 points from him to place him lower on your player list. He now nominally has a rating of 2075, but if I do not place him as a titular player on your Division 2 team, he cannot play on that team.

Example 2: A player has 2125, you decide to add 100 points to move him up your player list. He now nominally has a rating of 2225, but he can still play on your2nd division team even if you have not made him a title holder.


  • If you have 2 teams in the same division (e.g., Division 3), a player designated as a title holder for the first team cannot play for the second team and vice versa.
  • If you have 2 teams in the same series, a player who plays for one team (as a titlist or substitute) cannot play for the other team.
  • To compile your player list (and rank them), you can add or subtract 100 points from the elo rating.
  • Players who do not have an elo rating can be given a notional rating between 1000 and 1800.
  • For IT reasons, two players cannot have the same adjusted rating.


The amount of different fine is listed on the KBSB website (Article 35).

Palmares National Interclub Competition

  • 2024 : Koninklijke Wetterse Vrijpion (Wetteren)
  • 2023 : Koninklijke Brugse Schaakkring (KBSK)
  • 2022 : Schachfreunde Wirtzfled
  • 2021 : Schachfreunde Wirtzfled
  • 2020 : Cancel due to COVID
  • 2019 : Cercle des Echecs de Fontaine-l’Evêque
  • 2018 : Schachfreunde Wirtzfled
  • 2017 : Königlicher Schachklub Eynatten 47 (KSK Eynatten 47)
  • 2016 : Koninklijke Gentse Schaakkring Ruy López (KGSRL)
  • 2015 : L’Echiquier Amaytois
  • 2014 : Königlicher Schachklub Eynatten 47 (KSK Eynatten 47)
  • 2013 : Schachfreunde Wirtzfled
  • 2012 : Cercle Royal des Echecs de Charleroi (CREC)
  • 2011 : Königlicher Schachklub Eynatten 47 (KSK Eynatten 47)
  • 2010 : Königlicher Schachklub Eynatten 47 (KSK Eynatten 47)
  • 2009 : Schachfreunde Wirtzfled
  • 2008 : Bredene
  • 2007 : Cercle Royal des Echecs de Liège (CRELEL)
  • 2006 : Königlicher Schachklub Eynatten 47 (KSK Eynatten 47)
  • 2005 : Königlicher Schachklub Eynatten 47 (KSK Eynatten 47)
  • 2004 : Königlicher Schachklub Eynatten 47 (KSK Eynatten 47)
  • 2003 : Turm Eynatten
  • 2002 : Cercle Royal des Echecs de Liège (CRELEL).
  • 2001 : Schachklub Rochade Eupen-Kelmis
  • 2000 : Schachklub Rochade Eupen-Kelmis
  • 1999 : Schachklub Rochade Eupen-Kelmis
  • 1998 : Schachklub Rochade Eupen-Kelmis
  • 1997 : Schachklub Rochade Eupen-Kelmis
  • 1996 : Schachklub Rochade Eupen-Kelmis
  • 1995 : Schachklub Rochade Eupen-Kelmis
  • 1994 : Schachklub Rochade Eupen-Kelmis
  • 1993 : Cercle d’Echecs d’Anderlecht
  • 1992 : Koninklijke Antwerpse Schaakkring (KASK)
  • 1991 : Cercle d’Echecs d’Anderlecht
  • 1990 : Cercle Royal des Echecs de Bruxelles (CREB).
  • 1989 : Cercle d’Echecs d’Anderlecht
  • 1988 : Cercle d’Echecs d’Anderlecht
  • 1987 : Cercle d’Echecs d’Anderlecht
  • 1986 : Koninklijke Gentse Schaakkring Ruy López (KGSRL)
  • 1985 : Cercle d’Echecs d’Anderlecht
  • 1984 : Koninklijke Gentse Schaakkring Ruy López (KGSRL)
  • 1983 : Cercle d’Echecs d’Anderlecht
  • 1982 : Koninklijke Gentse Schaakkring Ruy López (KGSRL)
  • 1981 : Koninklijke Gentse Schaakkring Ruy López (KGSRL)
  • 1980 : Koninklijke Gentse Schaakkring Ruy López (KGSRL)
  • 1979 : Koninklijke Gentse Schaakkring Ruy López (KGSRL)
  • 1978 : Cercle d’Echecs d’Anderlecht
  • 1977 : Cercle d’Echecs d’Anderlecht
  • 1976 : Koninklijke Antwerpse Schaakkring (KASK)
  • 1975 : Koninklijke Antwerpse Schaakkring (KASK)
  • 1974 : Schachklub Eupen 47
  • 1973 : Schaakclub Jean Jaurès Gent
  • 1972 : Mechelse Schaakkring
  • 1971 : Schaakclub Jean Jaurès Gent
  • 1970 : Koninklijke Antwerpse Schaakkring (KASK)
  • 1969 : Koninklijke Antwerpse Schaakkring (KASK)
  • 1968 : Koninklijke Antwerpse Schaakkring (KASK)
  • 1967 : Koninklijke Antwerpse Schaakkring (KASK)
  • 1966 : Cercle Edgard Colle Bruxelles
  • 1965 : Cercle Edgard Colle Bruxelles
  • 1964 : Koninklijke Antwerpse Schaakkring (KASK)
  • 1963 : Cercle Thibaut Bruxelles
  • 1962 : Cercle Thibaut Bruxelles
  • 1961 : Koninklijke Antwerpse Schaakkring (KASK)
  • 1960 : Koninklijke Antwerpse Schaakkring (KASK)
  • 1959 : Koninklijke Antwerpse Schaakkring (KASK)
  • 1958 : Cercle Edgard Colle Bruxelles
  • 1957 : Koninklijke Antwerpse Schaakkring (KASK)
  • 1956 : Cercle Royal des Echecs de Bruxelles (CREB)
  • 1955 : Koninklijke Antwerpse Schaakkring (KASK)
  • 1954 : Cercle Edgard Colle Bruxelles
  • 1953 : Cercle Edgard Colle Bruxelles
  • 1952 : Antwerpse Schaakkring
  • 1951 : Cercle Edgard Colle Bruxelles
  • 1950 : Antwerpse Schaakkring
  • 1949 : Antwerpse Schaakkring
  • 1948 : Echiquier Liégeois
  • 1947 : Cercle des Echecs de Bruxelles et Philidor
  • 1940 – 1946 : Not happend
  • 1939 : Cercle des Echecs de Bruxelles et Philidor
  • 1938 : Antwerpse Schaakkring
  • 1937 : Antwerpse Schaakkring
  • 1936 : Antwerpse Schaakkring
  • 1935 : Cercle des Echecs de Bruxelles et Philidor
  • 1934 : Philidor Bruxelles
  • 1933 : Cercle Edgard Colle Bruxelles
  • 1932 : Le Cygne Bruxelles
  • 1931 : Antwerpse Schaakkring
  • 1930 : Antwerpse Schaakkring
  • 1929 : Antwerpse Schaakkring
  • 1928 : Antwerpse Schaakkring
  • 1927 : Antwerpse Schaakkring
  • 1926 : Antwerpse Schaakkring
  • 1925 : Maccabi Antwerpen
  • 1924 : Philidor Bruxelles
  • 1923 : Maccabi Antwerp

Source: 100 years history of Chess in Belgium, F. Hoffmeister, Thinkers publishing 2020

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