How do I homologate a tournament for FIDE processing?

Preparation of homologation

For processing the results, FIDE has two groups of tournaments: tournaments where norms can be met and tournaments where no norms can be met.

  • A request for approval for a tournament where norms may apply must be submitted by the tournament organizer at least 45 days prior to the start of the tournament.
  • A request for approval for any other type of tournament must be submitted by the tournament organizer at least 20 days prior to the start of the tournament.

Each approval must be sent to the general address This request must include:

  • the description of the tournament
  • the name of the tournament
  • the period for processing the results
  • The name, FIDE ID and contact information of the organizer (email, phone, etc.)
  • The name and FIDE ID of the referee(s)
  • the rate of play
  • the dates and times of the rounds
  • the location of the tournament

All these data are included in the Excel Registration_Form file.
Approval of the certification will result in the publication on the RBCF website of the tournament description in the list of tournaments within the requested period. A confirmation email will be sent to the tournament organizer.

For tournaments lasting more than 90 days, an approval request must be submitted for each month and intermediate results must be sent monthly, meeting deadlines. This results in one billing of approval fees. (see FIDE Handbook B 02 §4)

After the tournament

The files listed below must be sent to the general address within 7 days of the end of the tournament. A fine of € 70 will be imposed on the organizer who does not respect this deadline or has sent incomplete or incorrect files. In addition, if FIDE imposes a penalty on the RBCF for late submission or non-submission and if the cause is due to the organizer, then this penalty is also imposed on the organizer.

The documents attached to this email are:

  • The report according to the KRAUSE format (with the details of the tournament in the header and then the players with their results per round). This report can be created by any pairing program. Care must be taken to ensure that all tournament, referee and player information is entered carefully.
  • The TRF (Tournament Report Form) file. trf_it3.docxtrf_it3.doctrf_it3.doc
    Optional: When using PairTwo: the SWS file of the last round. The tournament data must be strictly filled in (tournament name, type, tiebreaks, tempo, start and end dates of the tournament, dates of the rounds, name of the referee(s), FIDE registration number, name of the players, etc.) ,…).
  • A PGN file with the tournament games – required for players who have achieved a standard.
  • Optional: a file in ZIP or RAR format compressing the photos of the Belgian participants – each of the photos will have a JPEG or GIF format of 160×200 px vertical.

If a player achieves a norm during a tournament, he should contact the head referee. He prepares a FIDE certificate and sends it signed immediately to the general address:

Cost homologation tournaments FIDE

As of July 1, 2009, FIDE processing costs will be borne by the organization applying for certification of its tournament. Once the FIDE invoice reaches the national treasurer, a request for payment is sent to the organizer. The estimated treatment costs are shown in the following table:

Round-Robin Tournaments / Matches with average rating of below 2230EUR 1 per player
Round-Robin Tournaments / Matches with average rating 2230 – 2379EUR 5 per player
Round-Robin Tournaments / Matches with average rating 2380 – 2599EUR 10 per player
Round-Robin Tournaments / Matches with average rating 2600 – 2699EUR 15 per player
Round-Robin Tournaments / Matches with average rating 2700 or higherEUR 20 per player
Swiss Tournaments / Team TournamentsNumber of players who play rated games multiplied by EUR 1
Scheveningen Tournaments / Other FormatsSame as Round-Robin Tournaments

Important notice for organizers of tournaments that count toward the ELO FIDE ranking, and for players who do not have a FIDE ID and are playing a FIDE-approved tournament abroad.

FIDE distinguishes two cases: national players and foreign players.

  • When a federation sends a tournament report to FIDE, national players without a FIDE ID automatically receive a FIDE ID.
  • For foreign players, FIDE no longer wants to automatically generate FIDE IDs. For FIDE, it is now up to the federation sending the tournament report to ensure that foreign players have a FIDE ID. Therefore, for FIDE, the rating officer of the federation introducing the tournament must ask each federation a player comes from to assign him a FIDE ID and the created FIDE ID must be found in the tournament report.

The RBCF board of directors disagrees. It finds that requesting FIDE IDs from other federations is not the responsibility of RBCF, but rather of the FIDE-approved organization of the tournament (organizer/principal referee). Specifically, if the organizer of a FIDE-approved tournament admits foreign players without a FIDE ID, he must ensure that each foreign player has a FIDE ID from the relevant federation no later than when he sends the tournament report to the RBCF.

How do I find information to contact another country’s federation?

Go to the FIDE website:


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