Chess in Belgium

interclub manager screenshot

Interclubs Manager 2024-25

Steven Bellens    07.07.2024

The new version of the Interclubs Manager, version 2024-2025 is online. You can access the tool at Registrations for…

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A diverse group of people engaging with a digital

Call for contributors

Steven Bellens    04.07.2024    5

Our new website is open for everyone to register and contribute. Become a contributor today!

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AdobeStock 250783704

Survey feedback

Steven Bellens    09.06.2024

As a lot of different answers are given, please be aware that any summary cannot possibly cover all responses given. Nevertheless, hereby a very brief summary of the topic that are mentioned the most in the responses. 235 people submitted their feedback.

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Lier schapenkoppenmonument

Belgian Chess Championship

Steven Bellens    01.05.2024

This year the Belgian Chess Championship will take place from July 6 to July 14 in Lier.

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