Information session

Laurent Wery     26.07.2024    4

During the Charleroi tournament (TIPC), explanations will be given to interested parties on Sunday 28 July from 12pm to 2pm on the following topics:

  • The new national interclub rules
  • Registration of national interclub teams
  • Affiliations, reaffiliations and transfers
  • FIDE certification of a tournament
  • Tips and tricks in SWAR
  • Other questions related to administration or tournaments

This session will be led by Timothé Scaillet and Luc Cornet, members of the RBCF Board.

If you are attending, please let know and pass on any questions beforehand.

Bourgeois Anne
29.07.2024 - 21:29

très chouette le nouveau site…on peut consulter directement tous les tournois …
transmis à tous nos joueurs actifs

Luc Cornet
26.07.2024 - 17:23

Ce sera en français cette fois.

Daniel De Noose
26.07.2024 - 16:15

Superbe initiative !

Laurent Wery
28.07.2024 - 21:48

merci Daniel



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