Search for candidates for the organization of one of the 2026 Belgian Championships

Steven Bellens     30.01.2025

The RBCF is looking for one or more organizers for the following championships, as every season:

  1. The Belgian Standard Championship, preferably from 04.07.2026 to 12.07.2026 → however, at the BO of 06/01/2018 it was decided that the organizations themselves may choose their period in the large common holiday period (July-August). However, if there are several candidates, then organizations that overlap with other tournaments have less chance.
  2. The Belgian Blitz Championship that must count for fide-blitz elo processing.
  3. The Belgian Rapid Championship that must count for fide-rapid elo processing.
  4. The Belgian Senior Championship (in Rapid form) that must count for fide-rapid elo processing.

Each club or group may apply for the organization of one of several championships. More information can be obtained from the Responsible National Tournaments. Each application must be submitted to him by email in the form of a motivated file. For all championships this is at the latest on 30.03.2025 where a decision will be made in the subsequent meeting of the BO (yet to be determined). For all championships where an application is received later than 30.03.2025, a decision will be made in the subsequent meeting of the BO.


Scripts are available in NL and FR only. FR version in the second part of each script.

Timothé Scaillet +32 474 79 90 12


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