Survey feedback

Steven Bellens     09.06.2024

As a lot of different answers are given, please be aware that any summary cannot possibly cover all responses given. Nevertheless, hereby a very brief summary of the topic that are mentioned the most in the responses. 235 people submitted their feedback.

As a lot of different answers are given, please be aware that any summary cannot possibly cover all responses given. Nevertheless, hereby a very brief summary of the topic that are mentioned the most in the responses. 235 people submitted their feedback.

1. How should the FRBE / KBSB / KSB support its clubs (development, management, creation, etc.) (154 responses)

  • Financial support
  • Improved visibility of competitions
  • Offer training sessions and study materials
  • Support in new player development, club & and tournament management

2. How can the FRBE /KBSB / KSB improve its communication? (newsletter, instagram, facebook, tiktok, streaming?) (198 responses)

  • Regular newsletter for members
  • Improved social media presence
  • Regular member communication (e-mail & other channels)

3. How can the FRBE / KBSB / KSB obtain more sponsorship / do you know of any companies that wish to sponsor the FRBE / KBSB / KSB? (88 responses)

  • Reach out to technology companies, local business & governments
  • Increase advertising and marketing efforts
  • Create a sponsorship committee
  • Increase visibility through events and social media

4. How do you think the FRBE / KBSB / KSB can promote chess even more? (tournaments / events / training / youth / …) (182 responses)

  • Organize more tournaments/events
  • Invest in youth programs, promote chess through schools
  • Conduct chess training
  • Create beginner-friendly events
  • Improve media coverage

5. What should be the most important functionalities of the Belgian Chess Federation website for you? (184 responses)

  • Better access to tournament information, ratings and regulations
  • Provide a central platform for club information, calendar and tournament registration
  • Online learning materials and study resources
  • ELO rating system and player statistics

6. Do we need a national rating system next to a global worldwide system? (231 responses)

  • Clear majority in favor of moving towards a unified global rating system (FIDE). Arguments against are mainly:
    • Additional cost
    • Increased reporting requirements (deadlines, pre-registration)
    • Need for additional referees

7. Leave any additional comments or remarks here (73 responses)

All individual remarks


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