Chess in Belgium


Belgians in foreign tournaments: Dortmund Sparkassen Chess Trophy (Aug. 10-18, 2024)

Helmut Froeyman    19.09.2024

The prize money in our Belgian summer tournaments has not been indexed for decades so that (foreign) professionals rarely play in them nowadays.

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FIDE ELO vs national ELO

New national ELO rankings on October 1st


Steven Bellens    19.09.2024

October 1st, our national rankings get their 3-monthly update. In order for games to be processed, the tournament reports need to be submitted to at latest 27.09

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Recent comments

Günter Delhaes on Belgium at the 45th Chess Olympiad in Budapest Merci beaucoup pour ces très bons rapports et bonne continuation. Super!!! Günter Delhaes

Philippe Vukojevic on Belgium in Budapest – Chess Olympiads – Round 5 Bedankt voor de tips.

Helmut Froeyman on Belgium in Budapest – Chess Olympiads – Round 5 Je kan eenvoudig de partijen downloaden van lichess (er is een icoontje om alles in 1 keer te doen) ,…

Philippe Vukojevic on Belgium in Budapest – Chess Olympiads – Round 5 De partijen worden overgenomen van de lichess-website. Om de een of andere reden is het niet mogelijk ze zonder die…

Helmut Froeyman on Belgium in Budapest – Chess Olympiads – Round 5 Ik ben geen fan van bovenstaande computeranalyses. De evaluaties van de varianten ontbreken. De artificiële commentaren zijn bedroevend. De talloze…

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Budapest 1

Belgium in Budapest – Chess Olympiads – Round 7

Philippe Vukojevic    19.09.2024

Chess to get out of misery… it could easily have been a theme at the Global Chess Festival organised for…

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Budapest 1

Belgium in Budapest – Chess Olympiads – Round 6

Philippe Vukojevic    17.09.2024

Just as our Olympics teams did not travel to Budapest to visit the city, the young Maroczy (yes, the one…

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A diverse group of people engaging with a digital

Call for contributors

Steven Bellens    04.07.2024    5

Our new website is open for everyone to register and contribute. Become a contributor today!

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Belgium in Budapest – Chess Olympiads – Round 5

Philippe Vukojevic    16.09.2024    5

Today I searched in vain for the Café Wurm in Budapest, the cradle of organised Hungarian chess, where in the…

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The Belgian Interclub Chess Competition

Latest calendar publication of Interclub competition

Steven Bellens    15.09.2024

Find the latest calender publication of the National Interclubs on the National Interclub tournament page. To be sure, verify all the (latest) changes.

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A dynamic and engaging image showing a chess refer

Call for arbiters in the NIC

Steven Bellens    15.09.2024

As always, arbiters are appointed for the matches in the first national division. If you are interested, please let me know, with preference for dates and home clubs.

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google maps

Chess clubs in Belgium

Each registered chess club is indicated on the map with a marker. Click on any marker to see detailed information about the club, including its address and contact details. Explore and find your nearest club easily.

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Belgium in Budapest – Chess Olympiads – Round 4

Philippe Vukojevic    15.09.2024

‘Budapest is the most beautiful city in the world,’ I read in an article by Laszlo Jakobetz. Judit Polgar also…

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chess software image 16 9

PairTwo revised

Bernard Malfliet    14.09.2024

Over the last years, Bernard Malfliet has reworked his PairTwo tournament management software. You can read the latest release notes below. PairTwo is available for download from the Software page.

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fide reporting requirements scaled

Invitation 6th University PCU Chess Cup | Antwerp, Belgium | 22-24 November 2024

Laurent Wery    14.09.2024


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Belgium at the 45th Chess Olympiad in Budapest

Laurent Wery    13.09.2024    2

Both Women en men’s team are taking part at the Olympiad. This tournament has begun the 11th of september. In…

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fide elo arbiter requirements

FIDE ELO – arbiter requirements (4/4)

Steven Bellens    13.09.2024

In our April survey, a majority of respondents indicated their preference of moving towards a unified global rating system (FIDE). In order to have a good understanding of both systems, we are launching this series of articles. This is the last of four articles explaining the arbiter requirements.

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