Content about ELO

FIDE ELO vs national ELO

New national ELO rankings on October 1st


Steven Bellens    19.09.2024

October 1st, our national rankings get their 3-monthly update. In order for games to be processed, the tournament reports need to be submitted to at latest 27.09

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fide elo arbiter requirements

FIDE ELO – arbiter requirements (4/4)

Steven Bellens    13.09.2024    1

In our April survey, a majority of respondents indicated their preference of moving towards a unified global rating system (FIDE). In order to have a good understanding of both systems, we are launching this series of articles. This is the last of four articles explaining the arbiter requirements.

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fide reporting requirements

FIDE ELO – reporting requirements (3/4)

Steven Bellens    24.08.2024    36

In our April survey, a majority of respondents indicated their preference of moving towards a unified global rating system (FIDE). In order to have a good understanding of both systems, we are launching this series of articles. This is the third of four articles explaining the reporting requirements for FIDE rated tournaments.

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fide costs

FIDE ELO – cost structure (2/4)

Steven Bellens    12.08.2024    12

In our April survey, a majority of respondents indicated their preference of moving towards a unified global rating system (FIDE). This is the second of four articles explaining the FIDE ELO cost structure.

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FIDE ELO vs national ELO

FIDE ELO – calculation and distribution differences (1/4)

Steven Bellens    30.07.2024    2

In our April survey, a majority of respondents indicated their preference of moving towards a unified global rating system (FIDE). In order to have a good understanding of both systems, we are launching this series of articles. This is the first of four articles explaining the differences between FIDE ELO and national ELO.

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FIDE ELO vs national ELO

Comparing FIDE ELO vs national ELO

This page explains the differences between the international FIDE rating system and our own national ELO calculation system. It also looks at our neighbouring countries, and summarizing information about their systems and way of working.

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Chess Tournament Belgium with Stats



Consult the current and historic national ELO ranking list here. By player and by club.

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An organized page displaying all chess players inv with graphs

Checklist ELO

Checklist containing all games to be processed for the next national ELO ranking. This ranking is updated every 3 months (jan – apr – jun – oct).

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A detailed illustration explaining the ELO rating

National ELO rating system

This article contains information about common questions on national rating calculation.

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