Steven Bellens 22.01.2025 2
The RBCF board yesterday decided on the Interclub calendar for the the 2025 – 2026 season. Whereas we have only 11 rounds to schedule in the September – April period, a lot of constraints exists:
Whereas we try to find a schedule that pleases as many clubs and players as possible, we know that no perfect schedule exists for every club and player individually.
Round 1 | 28.09.2025 |
Round 2 | 12.10.2025 |
Round 3 | 16.11.2025 |
Round 4 | 23.11.2025 |
Round 5 | 07.12.2025 |
reserve 1 | 14.12.2025 |
Round 6 | 25.01.2026 |
reserve 2 | 01.02.2026 |
Round 7 | 08.02.2026 |
Round 8 | 01.03.2026 |
Round 9 | 15.03.2026 |
reserve 3 | 22.03.2026 |
Round 10 | 29.03.2026 |
Round 11 | 19.04.2026 |
Barrage | 26.04.2026 |
Schaakinitiatief 08.01.2025
After each round of the Belgian interclub competition, the games from the first division of the national interclub are entered and collected by the home team on the Lichess Blog of Schaakinitiatief .
Read moreLuc Cornet 17.12.2024
New previously affiliated unranked players can be added from now until January 2nd 2025. For now, they should be added at the bottom of the existing players on the player list.
Read moreSteven Bellens 15.09.2024
Find the latest calender publication of the National Interclubs on the National Interclub tournament page. To be sure, verify all the (latest) changes.
Read moreSteven Bellens 15.09.2024
As always, arbiters are appointed for the matches in the first national division. If you are interested, please let me know, with preference for dates and home clubs.
Read more
GHEURY Jean-Marie
27.01.2025 - 16:33Cette information anticipée nous permet déjà de demander la réservation de notre salle (et éventuellement le numéro d’ordre adéquat en cas d’occupation de nos locaux à une date donnée). Merci !!
De Heug Quentin
24.01.2025 - 07:35Merci de nous prévenir aussi tôt, cela nous permet d’en informer nos membres.