New version of Pairtwo is online

Bernard Malfliet     21.10.2024    2

This version is the first that allows everyone to publish tournament results on the internet. Version 1.18 makes perfectly finished html files that can be placed directly on the internet. The version has also been extensively tested and is ready to be used in all major tournaments

But the club championships will also be very well served with this Pairtwo. After all, you can send in a file for ELO with all played games at any time, so every three months. Pairtwo will check for itself which results can be sent in from which rounds, incomplete rounds can also be sent in

For tournaments with players who need special assistance, you can now assign a fixed board number to these players in Pairtwo, Pairtwo itself ensures that the player always sits on this board

Requested and wanted by many, Pairtwo now also has a “toolbar”

And for larger tournaments that like to put name cards, Pairtwo makes the file to print, 2 cards per sheet, and with the flags of the countries. Also for many participants, where everything has to go fast, a printout of all pairings in alphabetical order will help. Finally, another program crashes but you have been able to save a TRF (KBSB or FIDE ELO file), then you can put this in Pairtwo and continue your tournament

What is now mainly planned for the next versions is the organization of team tournaments and the further development of the internet connection.

Bruno Russo
25.10.2024 - 18:02

étonnant cette réapparition soudaine d’un logiciel de mon enfance. Que devient swar? concurrence ?

Bernard Malfliet
25.10.2024 - 20:18

Bonjour Bruno, effectivement Pairtwo s’est réveillé d’un long someil d’hiver. J’ai découvert Python ce qui m’a permis de reprogrammer mon logiciel ancien de 1995 (!) et de l’actualiser. Python permet de le customiser encore beaucoup plus qu’avant. Ceci dit, Swar n’est pas mort du tout, mais je voulais donner les organisateurs d’échecs un choix. Faut savoir que Swar était d’abord une continuation de Pairtwo avant de devenir le logiciel que vous connaissez bien.



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