Steven Bellens 17.08.2024 1
[update] In the meantime, a backup has been restored. The backup is about 10 days old, meaning that recently uploaded tournament results are still lost and need to be re-uploaded.
Due to an error in the handling of the SWAR results, all tournament results have been removed from the RBCF website. When visiting a tournament link, you will be redirected to the homepage of this website. This is because the tournament results are no longer available.
In order to resolve this issue, the tournament organizer needs to once again upload the tournament results from SWAR to the RBCF website. Once this is done, the original link to the tournament results will be working again.
We apologize for the inconvenience. In case of questions, please reach out through
Kristof Steyls
30.08.2024 - 16:55Voor de liefhebbers die hun toernooiresultaat alsnog willen zien en de link van dat toernooiresultaat hebben, kunnen het vaak nog vinden via de “Wayback Machine”, een website die oude versies van het internet bewaard:
Veel plezier ermee!